Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Cold War Presentations



Cold War Presentations
  • We are going to be doing a set of presentations where each of you will be assigned a portion of the cold war to present to the class.  This will serve as a preview exercise to the next two films we are going to watch about the Cold War.
  • Here is a little introduction to get you started: Go to this link by clicking the following image of the mushroom cloud and click through the Cold Overview ALL THE WAY TO THE END!  (There are multiple pages)

  • After completing that, click the following links (the movie cover pictures) to see the overview of the two films that we are going to watch.  One is a serious and historically accurate portrayal of the Cuban Missile Crisis (Thirteen Days) and the other is a fictional depiction of what would have happened, Red Dawn (the original, older version because the new version does not apply in the same way.) 
  • You will be working with the rest of your classmates to present an overall view of the Cold War.  This will be in the format of a Google Presentation.  I will create this presentation and share it with you.  The following list is the list of topics that will be presented and who will be presenting them (If you click on the title, it will take you to a website with the exact items that will be presented).  The linked site provides not only the information but will also provide the format for which you will use:
  1. Introduction to the Cold War - Sydney
  2. The Seeds of Conflict - Emily
  3. Europe Divided - Dante
  4. Societies Transformed - Paige
  5. The Asian Hemisphere - Harrison
  6. Escalation and Complication - Ethan
  7. Detente and Dissolution - Mario
  8. Aftermath of the Cold War - Austin
Here are the requirements for the presentation:
  • Must be 4 - 6 minutes in length
  • Must be creative
  • Must have at least one reasonable cited source or more per slide
  • No more than 4-5 items on a slide
  • Have a study guide of some variety that can be passed out to students (9 copies which includes one for me.)  
  • Can include a video (but will not count towards 4-6 minutes
  • All slides must have multiple animations
  • Must have correct punctuation
  • Will include a participation portion of the grade for insightful questions and critiques of other students work.  

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