Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Roaring 20's/The Jazz Age

Using the websites provided, answer the following questions about important people, places, and events of the 1920s.

Movies in the 1920s:

1. Which format was used for movies of the 1910s and 1920s?
2. Locate at least one film in which the following actors and actresses starred:

  • Charlie Chaplin 
  • Mary Pickford 
  • Douglas Fairbanks 
  • Al Jolson 

3. What was significant about the movie The Jazz Singer?

1920's Culture : 

4. The 1920s was a time of great numbers of inventions.  After looking at this site,, pick 3 inventions that interested you the most and explain why it was of interest to you.

5. Define the following slang terms:

  • “cat’s meow” 
  • “a clam” 
  • “dry up” 
  • “flivver” 
  • “fly boy”
  • “goofy” 
  • “hoofer” 
  • “juice joint”
  • "flat tire"
  • "Bee's knees"
  • "Swanky"
  • "Torpedo"
  • "jalopy"
6. Write 5 ways to describe a flapper:


7. Click on the pictures for the following gangsters to see their pages.  Beside their names, explain their significance to organized crime in the United States (I am looking for three significant points for each person.)

  • Al Capone 

  • Carlos Gambino

  • John Joseph Gotti
8. What makes a person a gangster?

History of Jazz: 
Click on the picture

Click on the picture

9. What city was Louis Armstrong from?
10. What city is considered to be the birthplace of jazz?
11. Name and describe the contribution of 2 other jazz musicians.
12. Name two locations in the New York City that were popular jazz clubs.
13. What dance craze was popular during the 1920s?

Look at these two sites before answering the questions:

14. What is the definition of "Harlem Renaissance?"
15. What are each of the following people famous for?
  • Louis Armstrong
  • Duke Ellington 
  • Billie Holliday
16. Name three leading athletes for each of the following sports:
  • Baseball
  • Football
  • Boxing
  • Horse Racing
17. Who were two famous aviators of the day and what made them famous?
18. Name three types of autmobiles that were popular in the 1920s

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